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Sully Photography

About me

Hello, my name is Amanda Sullivan--and most recently, Amanda Sullivan-Ball--and I'm the face behind Sully Photography. I'm a wife and mother of one, and as such, I know only too well how quickly children grow and change and how once in a lifetime events like your wedding day seem to blur past before you even have a chance to blink. Photographs have a way of grabbing and holding onto those otherwise fleeting moments. When we look at a treasured photograph we're taken back to live in that moment and see ourselves and our loved ones just as they were at any given place and time. This is just one of the many powerful aspects of photography and one of the reasons I love being a photographer.


I was born and raised in Fredericton, NB, and received my photography training at the New Brunswick College of Craft and Design. I continued my training in Fine Art at the Nova Scotia College of Craft and Design (NSCAD) University, where I received my Bachelor of Fine Art in 2011. During that time and since, I've dedicated myself to freelance photography work of all kinds as well as participating in numerous shows of painting, printmaking, and photo-based art.


Now based in Ottawa, Ontario, Sully Photography offers photography for weddings, engagements, events, and portraits for all ages and occasions. Sully Photography is dedicated to making sure clients are not just happy with the services they receive, but thrilled.


I'd love to hear from you!



"In memory, time blurs precious moments. In photographs, precious moments last a lifetime." 


Let's talk


Tel: 613-850-8489




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